serve with us!


Serving our neighbors is one of the most effective ways we can proclaim the Gospel where we live!   

We have a list of organizations we partner with locally to meet tangible needs of our community:  

Effie Center serves as an afterschool program for high school students on our campus, Monday-Friday from 4:20-6:00. Volunteers can serve during operating hours or off hours and you can also donate snacks weekly! Sign up here to serve!

Mobile Food Pantry will be hosted on our campus the 3rd Saturdays every month! Sign up here! You can also donate used grocery bags in the lobby.

Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD like to serve as a mentor or school volunteer at any of our local schools! Volunteering / Overview ( 

Community Link Mission- CLM is a food pantry that serves 7 surrounding zip codes and thousands of families every month right here in Saginaw. Link To Hope – Community Link ( 

Clean UP USA serves local underserved and homeless neighbors, get involved here link Contact – CleanUP (