Cindy Zapata

Cindy grew up in the Saginaw area and has raised three wonderful and unique sons alongside her husband, Victor. They enjoy their new phase of life as "almost empty-nesters" by traveling, and spending time with family and friends. 

Being the office manager, Cindy gets to be involved in almost every aspect of ministry at the Table. She sincerely loves to serve others and feels that God has placed her in this role for this reason. Cindy is a self-proclaimed introvert, so working behind the scenes suites her perfectly. 

Hey Cindy, what's your favorite book? How about movie?

I love to read and read and read! I will read almost anything. My favorite book is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. It is a beautiful story of friendship and gives you a glimpse of pre-war Afghanistan.

My favorite movie is either Goodfellas or Band of Brothers. (I know it's a mini-series, but it is so good!)

What do you love most about being on staff at The Table?

I love working at a place where I feel valued and I am allowed to be myself.  We have fun and get a whole lot of work done.